Source code for autoprof.pipeline_steps.Axial_Profiles

import numpy as np
import sys
import os

from ..autoprofutils.SharedFunctions import (
from ..autoprofutils.Diagnostic_Plots import Plot_Axial_Profiles
from scipy.stats import iqr
from astropy.visualization import SqrtStretch, LogStretch
from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import ImageNormalize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import logging

__all__ = ("Axial_Profiles",)

[docs] def Axial_Profiles(IMG, results, options): """Extracts SB profiles perpendicular to the major (or minor) axis. For some applications, such as examining edge on galaxies, it is beneficial to observe the vertical structure in a disk. This can be achieved with the Axial Profiles method. It will construct a series of lines, each one with a starting point on the major axis of the galaxy and radiating perpendicular from it. The location of these lines are, by default, geometrically spaced so that they can gather more light in the fainter outskirts. Along a given line, and SB profile is extracted, with the distance between points on the profile also increasing geometrically, allowing more light collection. The outputted profile is formatted similar to a regular SB profile, except that there are many SB profiles with each one having a corresponding distance from the center and quadrant of the image. A diagnostic image is generated to aid in identifying where each profile is extracted. Parameters ----------------- ap_axialprof_pa : float, default 0 user set position angle at which to align the axial profiles relative to the global position angle+90, in degrees. A common choice would be "90" which would then sample along the semi-major axis instead of the semi-minor axis. ap_zeropoint : float, default 22.5 Photometric zero point ap_samplestyle : string, default 'geometric' indicate if isophote sampling radii should grow linearly or geometrically. Can also do geometric sampling at the center and linear sampling once geometric step size equals linear. Options are: 'linear', 'geometric', and 'geometric-linear'. ap_isoaverage_method : string, default 'median' Select the method used to compute the averafge flux along an isophote. Choose from 'mean', 'median', and 'mode'. In general, median is fast and robust to a few outliers. Mode is slow but robust to more outliers. Mean is fast and accurate in low S/N regimes where fluxes take on near integer values, but not robust to outliers. The mean should be used along with a mask to remove spurious objects such as foreground stars or galaxies, and should always be used with caution. Notes ---------- :References: - 'mask' (optional) - 'background' - 'psf fwhm' - 'center' - 'prof data' (optional) - 'init pa' Returns ------- IMG : ndarray Unaltered galaxy image results : dict No results provided as this method writes its own profile .. code-block:: python {} """ mask = results["mask"] if "mask" in results else None pa = results["init pa"] + ( (options["ap_axialprof_pa"] * np.pi / 180) if "ap_axialprof_pa" in options else 0.0 ) dat = IMG - results["background"] zeropoint = options["ap_zeropoint"] if "ap_zeropoint" in options else 22.5 if "prof data" in results: Rproflim = results["prof data"]["R"][-1] / options["ap_pixscale"] else: Rproflim = min(IMG.shape) / 2 R = [0] while R[-1] < Rproflim: if "ap_samplestyle" in options and options["ap_samplestyle"] == "linear": step = ( options["ap_samplelinearscale"] if "ap_samplelinearscale" in options else 0.5 * results["psf fwhm"] ) else: step = R[-1] * ( options["ap_samplegeometricscale"] if "ap_samplegeometricscale" in options else 0.1 ) R.append(R[-1] + max(1, step)) sb = {} sbE = {} for rd in [1, -1]: for ang in [1, -1]: key = (rd, ang) sb[key] = [] sbE[key] = [] branch_pa = (pa + ang * np.pi / 2) % (2 * np.pi) for pi, pR in enumerate(R): sb[key].append([]) sbE[key].append([]) width = (R[pi] - R[pi - 1]) if pi > 0 else 1.0 flux, XX = _iso_line( dat, R[-1], width, branch_pa, { "x": results["center"]["x"] + ang * rd * pR * np.cos(pa + (0 if ang > 0 else np.pi)), "y": results["center"]["y"] + ang * rd * pR * np.sin(pa + (0 if ang > 0 else np.pi)), }, ) for oi, oR in enumerate(R): length = (R[oi] - R[oi - 1]) if oi > 0 else 1.0 CHOOSE = np.logical_and( XX > (oR - length / 2), XX < (oR + length / 2) ) if np.sum(CHOOSE) == 0: sb[key][-1].append(99.999) sbE[key][-1].append(99.999) continue medflux = _average( flux[CHOOSE], options["ap_isoaverage_method"] if "ap_isoaverage_method" in options else "median", ) scatflux = _scatter( flux[CHOOSE], options["ap_isoaverage_method"] if "ap_isoaverage_method" in options else "median", ) sb[key][-1].append( flux_to_sb(medflux, options["ap_pixscale"], zeropoint) if medflux > 0 else 99.999 ) sbE[key][-1].append( ( 2.5 * scatflux / (np.sqrt(np.sum(CHOOSE)) * medflux * np.log(10)) ) if medflux > 0 else 99.999 ) with open( "" % ( (options["ap_saveto"] if "ap_saveto" in options else ""), options["ap_name"], ), "w", ) as f: f.write("R") for rd in [1, -1]: for ang in [1, -1]: for pR in R: f.write( ",sb[%.3f:%s90],sbE[%.3f:%s90]" % ( rd * pR * options["ap_pixscale"], "+" if ang > 0 else "-", rd * pR * options["ap_pixscale"], "+" if ang > 0 else "-", ) ) f.write("\n") f.write("arcsec") for rd in [1, -1]: for ang in [1, -1]: for pR in R: f.write(",mag*arcsec^-2,mag*arcsec^-2") f.write("\n") for oi, oR in enumerate(R): f.write("%.4f" % (oR * options["ap_pixscale"])) for rd in [1, -1]: for ang in [1, -1]: key = (rd, ang) for pi, pR in enumerate(R): f.write(",%.4f,%.4f" % (sb[key][pi][oi], sbE[key][pi][oi])) f.write("\n") if "ap_doplot" in options and options["ap_doplot"]: Plot_Axial_Profiles(dat, R, sb, sbE, pa, results, options) return IMG, {}