Source code for autoprof.pipeline_steps.Background

from photutils.segmentation import SegmentationImage
from photutils.isophote import (
from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats
from scipy.stats import iqr
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.fftpack import fft2, ifft2
from scipy.integrate import trapz
from time import time
import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.visualization import SqrtStretch, LogStretch
from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import ImageNormalize
import sys
import os

from ..autoprofutils.SharedFunctions import AddLogo, Smooth_Mode
from ..autoprofutils.Diagnostic_Plots import Plot_Background

__all__ = ("Background_Mode", "Background_DilatedSources", "Background_Basic", "Background_Basic", "Background_Unsharp")

[docs] def Background_Mode(IMG, results, options): """Compute the mode flux in the border of an image. Takes all pixels in a 1/5th border of the image. Applies a Gaussian smoothing length of log10(sqrt(N)) where N is the number of sampled pixels. The peak of the smoothed distribution is found using Nelder-Mead optimization. To compute the noise in the background level, we take all flux values below the fitted background level and compute the 31.73 - 100 percent range. This corresponds to the lower 1sigma, we do not use the upper 1sigma as it is contaminated by faint sources. In truth the lower 1sigma is contaminated as well, though to a lesser extent. Parameters ----------------- ap_set_background : float, default None User provided background value in flux ap_set_background_noise : float, default None User provided background noise level in flux ap_background_speedup : int, default 1 For large images, this can be millions of pixels, which is not really needed to achieve an accurate background level, the user can provide a positive integer factor by which to reduce the number of pixels used in the calculation. Notes ------- For best results, use a segmentation mask to remove sources. Returns ------- IMG : ndarray Unaltered galaxy image results : dict .. code-block:: python {'background': , # flux value representing the background level (float) 'background noise': ,# measure of scatter around the background level (float) 'background uncertainty': ,# optional, uncertainty on background level (float) 'auxfile background': # optional, message for aux file to record background level (string) } """ # Mask main body of image so only outer 1/5th is used # for background calculation. if "mask" in results and not results["mask"] is None and np.any(results["mask"]): mask = np.logical_not(results["mask"]) "%s: Background using mask. Masking %i pixels" % (options["ap_name"], np.sum(results["mask"])) ) else: mask = np.ones(IMG.shape, dtype=bool) mask[ int(IMG.shape[0] / 5.0) : int(4.0 * IMG.shape[0] / 5.0), int(IMG.shape[1] / 5.0) : int(4.0 * IMG.shape[1] / 5.0), ] = False values = IMG[mask].flatten() if len(values) < 1e5: values = IMG.flatten() if "ap_background_speedup" in options and int(options["ap_background_speedup"]) > 1: values = values[:: int(options["ap_background_speedup"])] values = values[np.isfinite(values)] if "ap_set_background" in options: bkgrnd = options["ap_set_background"]"%s: Background set by user: %.4e" % (options["ap_name"], bkgrnd)) else: # # Fit the peak of the smoothed histogram bkgrnd = Smooth_Mode(values) # Compute the 1sigma range using negative flux values, which should almost exclusively be sky noise if "ap_set_background_noise" in options: noise = options["ap_set_background_noise"] "%s: Background Noise set by user: %.4e" % (options["ap_name"], noise) ) else: noise = iqr(values[(values - bkgrnd) < 0], rng=[100 - 68.2689492137, 100]) if not np.isfinite(noise): noise = iqr(values, rng=[16, 84]) / 2.0 uncertainty = noise / np.sqrt(np.sum((values - bkgrnd) < 0)) if not np.isfinite(uncertainty): uncertainty = noise / np.sqrt(len(values)) if "ap_doplot" in options and options["ap_doplot"]: Plot_Background(values, bkgrnd, noise, results, options) return IMG, { "background": bkgrnd, "background noise": noise, "background uncertainty": uncertainty, "auxfile background": "background: %.5e +- %.2e flux/pix, noise: %.5e flux/pix" % (bkgrnd, uncertainty, noise), }
[docs] def Background_DilatedSources(IMG, results, options): """Compute the median flux after removing bright sources. Compute a global background value for an image. Performed by identifying pixels which are beyond 3 sigma above the average signal and masking them, also further masking a border of 20 pixels around the initial masked pixels. Returns a dictionary of parameters describing the background level. Parameters ----------------- ap_set_background : float, default None User provided background value in flux ap_set_background_noise : float, default None User provided background noise level in flux Returns ------- IMG : ndarray Unaltered galaxy image results : dict .. code-block:: python {'background': , # flux value representing the background level (float) 'background noise': ,# measure of scatter around the background level (float) 'background uncertainty': ,# optional, uncertainty on background level (float) 'auxfile background': # optional, message for aux file to record background level (string) } """ # Mask main body of image so only outer 1/5th is used # for background calculation. if "mask" in results and not results["mask"] is None: mask = results["mask"] else: mask = np.zeros(IMG.shape) mask[ int(IMG.shape[0] / 5.0) : int(4.0 * IMG.shape[0] / 5.0), int(IMG.shape[1] / 5.0) : int(4.0 * IMG.shape[1] / 5.0), ] = 1 # Run photutils source mask to remove pixels with sources # such as stars and galaxies, including a boarder # around each source. if not ("ap_set_background" in options and "ap_set_background_noise" in options): segm = SegmentationImage(IMG) source_mask = segm.make_source_mask( nsigma=3, npixels=int(1.0 / options["ap_pixscale"]), dilate_size=40, filter_fwhm=1.0 / options["ap_pixscale"], filter_size=int(3.0 / options["ap_pixscale"]), sigclip_iters=5, ) mask = np.logical_or(mask, source_mask) # Return statistics from background sky bkgrnd = ( options["ap_set_background"] if "ap_set_background" in options else np.median(IMG[np.logical_not(mask)]) ) noise = ( options["ap_set_background_noise"] if "ap_set_background_noise" in options else iqr(IMG[np.logical_not(mask)], rng=[16, 84]) / 2 ) uncertainty = noise / np.sqrt(np.sum(np.logical_not(mask))) if "ap_doplot" in options and options["ap_doplot"]: Plot_Background( IMG[np.logical_not(mask)].ravel(), bkgrnd, noise, results, options ) return IMG, { "background": bkgrnd, "background noise": noise, "background uncertainty": uncertainty, "auxfile background": "background: %.5e +- %.2e flux/pix, noise: %.5e flux/pix" % (bkgrnd, uncertainty, noise), }
[docs] def Background_Basic(IMG, results, options): """Compute the mean flux in the border of an image. Takes all pixels in a 1/5th border of the image and computes the mean. To compute the noise in the background level, we simply take the standard deviation of the flux values. This background estimation method is only for diagnostic purposes and will be considerably biased on real astronomical images. Parameters ----------------- ap_set_background : float, default None User provided background value in flux ap_set_background_noise : float, default None User provided background noise level in flux ap_background_speedup : int, default 1 For large images, this can be millions of pixels, which is not really needed to achieve an accurate background level, the user can provide a positive integer factor by which to reduce the number of pixels used in the calculation. Returns ------- IMG : ndarray Unaltered galaxy image results : dict .. code-block:: python {'background': , # flux value representing the background level (float) 'background noise': ,# measure of scatter around the background level (float) 'background uncertainty': ,# optional, uncertainty on background level (float) 'auxfile background': # optional, message for aux file to record background level (string) } """ mask = np.ones(IMG.shape, dtype=bool) mask[ int(IMG.shape[0] / 5.0) : int(4.0 * IMG.shape[0] / 5.0), int(IMG.shape[1] / 5.0) : int(4.0 * IMG.shape[1] / 5.0), ] = False values = IMG[mask].flatten() if len(values) < 1e3: values = IMG.flatten() if "ap_background_speedup" in options and int(options["ap_background_speedup"]) > 1: values = values[:: int(options["ap_background_speedup"])] values = values[np.isfinite(values)] bkgrnd = ( options["ap_set_background"] if "ap_set_background" in options else np.mean(values) ) noise = ( options["ap_set_background_noise"] if "ap_set_background_noise" in options else np.std(values) ) uncertainty = noise / np.sqrt(len(values)) if "ap_doplot" in options and options["ap_doplot"]: Plot_Background(values, bkgrnd, noise, results, options) return IMG, { "background": bkgrnd, "background noise": noise, "background uncertainty": uncertainty, "auxfile background": "background: %.5e +- %.2e flux/pix, noise: %.5e flux/pix" % (bkgrnd, uncertainty, noise), }
[docs] def Background_Unsharp(IMG, results, options): """creates a 2D background level using low order FFT coefficients. Takes the 2D FFT of an image and sets all coefficients above 3 to zero. This creates a very smooth image which can be used as a variable background level. This can then be subtracted from images to remove large bright sources, such as a nearby BGC or bright star. However, this background estimation method will likely also heavily bias flux value. Thus it can reasonably be used to isolate a galaxy with a large overlapping partner for the sake of fitting isophotes, but the extracted flux profile will be unreliable. Parameters ----------------- ap_background_unsharp_lowpass : int, default 3 User provided FFT coefficient cutoff for constructing unsharp image. Returns ------- IMG : ndarray Unaltered galaxy image results : dict .. code-block:: python {'background': , # flux image representing the variable background level (ndarray) } """ coefs = fft2(IMG) unsharp = ( int(options["ap_background_unsharp_lowpass"]) if "ap_background_unsharp_lowpass" in options else 3 ) coefs[unsharp:-unsharp] = 0 coefs[:, unsharp:-unsharp] = 0 dumy, stats = Background_Mode(IMG, results, options) stats.update({"background": ifft2(coefs).real}) return IMG, stats