Source code for autoprof.pipeline_steps.Isophote_Extract

import numpy as np
from photutils.isophote import EllipseSample, EllipseGeometry, Isophote, IsophoteList
from photutils.isophote import Ellipse as Photutils_Ellipse
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.stats import iqr
from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
from time import time
from astropy.visualization import SqrtStretch, LogStretch
from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import ImageNormalize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
import as cm
from copy import copy
import logging
import sys
import os

from ..autoprofutils.SharedFunctions import (
from ..autoprofutils.Diagnostic_Plots import (

__all__ = ("Isophote_Extract_Forced", "Isophote_Extract", "Isophote_Extract_Photutils")

def _Generate_Profile(IMG, results, R, parameters, options):

    # Create image array with background and mask applied
        if np.any(results["mask"]):
            mask = results["mask"]
            mask = None
        mask = None
    dat = IMG - results["background"]
    zeropoint = options["ap_zeropoint"] if "ap_zeropoint" in options else 22.5
    fluxunits = options["ap_fluxunits"] if "ap_fluxunits" in options else "mag"

    for p in range(len(parameters)):
        # Indicate no Fourier modes if supplied parameters does not include it
        if not "m" in parameters[p]:
            parameters[p]["m"] = None
        if not "C" in parameters[p]:
            parameters[p]["C"] = None
        # If no ellipticity error supplied, assume zero
        if not "ellip err" in parameters[p]:
            parameters[p]["ellip err"] = 0.0
        # If no position angle error supplied, assume zero
        if not "pa err" in parameters[p]:
            parameters[p]["pa err"] = 0.0

    sb = []
    sbE = []
    pixels = []
    maskedpixels = []
    cogdirect = []
    sbfix = []
    sbfixE = []
    measFmodes = []

    count_neg = 0
    medflux = np.inf
    end_prof = len(R)
    compare_interp = []
    for i in range(len(R)):
        if "ap_isoband_fixed" in options and options["ap_isoband_fixed"]:
            isobandwidth = (
                options["ap_isoband_width"] if "ap_isoband_width" in options else 0.5
            isobandwidth = R[i] * (
                options["ap_isoband_width"] if "ap_isoband_width" in options else 0.025
        isisophoteband = False
        if (
            > (
                results["background noise"]
                * (options["ap_isoband_start"] if "ap_isoband_start" in options else 2)
            or isobandwidth < 0.5
            isovals = _iso_extract(
                    if "ap_iso_interpolate_start" in options
                    else 5
                * results["psf fwhm"],
                    if "ap_iso_interpolate_method" in options
                    else "lanczos"
                    if "ap_iso_interpolate_window" in options
                    else 5
                sigmaclip=options["ap_isoclip"] if "ap_isoclip" in options else False,
                if "ap_isoclip_iterations" in options
                else 10,
                if "ap_isoclip_nsigma" in options
                else 5,
            isisophoteband = True
            isovals = _iso_between(
                R[i] - isobandwidth,
                R[i] + isobandwidth,
                sigmaclip=options["ap_isoclip"] if "ap_isoclip" in options else False,
                if "ap_isoclip_iterations" in options
                else 10,
                if "ap_isoclip_nsigma" in options
                else 5,
        isotot = np.sum(
            _iso_between(dat, 0, R[i], parameters[i], results["center"], mask=mask)
        medflux = _average(
            if "ap_isoaverage_method" in options
            else "median",
        scatflux = _scatter(
            if "ap_isoaverage_method" in options
            else "median",
        if (
            "ap_iso_measurecoefs" in options
            and not options["ap_iso_measurecoefs"] is None
            if (
                mask is None
                and (not "ap_isoclip" in options or not options["ap_isoclip"])
                and not isisophoteband
                coefs = fft(isovals[0])
                N = max(15, int(0.9 * 2 * np.pi * R[i]))
                theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi * (1.0 - 1.0 / N), N)
                coefs = fft(np.interp(theta, isovals[1], isovals[0], period=2 * np.pi))
                    "a": [np.imag(coefs[0]) / len(coefs)]
                    + list(
                        / (np.abs(coefs[0]))
                    "b": [np.real(coefs[0]) / len(coefs)]
                    + list(
                        / (np.abs(coefs[0]))

        if fluxunits == "intensity":
            sb.append(medflux / options["ap_pixscale"] ** 2)
            sbE.append(scatflux / np.sqrt(len(isovals[0])))
                flux_to_sb(medflux, options["ap_pixscale"], zeropoint)
                if medflux > 0
                else 99.999
                (2.5 * scatflux / (np.sqrt(len(isovals[0])) * medflux * np.log(10)))
                if medflux > 0
                else 99.999
            cogdirect.append(flux_to_mag(isotot, zeropoint) if isotot > 0 else 99.999)
        if medflux <= 0:
            count_neg += 1
        if (
            "ap_truncate_evaluation" in options
            and options["ap_truncate_evaluation"]
            and count_neg >= 2
            end_prof = i + 1

    # Compute Curve of Growth from SB profile
    if fluxunits == "intensity":
        cog, cogE = Fmode_fluxdens_to_fluxsum_errorprop(
            R[:end_prof] * options["ap_pixscale"],

        if cog is None:
            cog = -99.999 * np.ones(len(R))
            cogE = -99.999 * np.ones(len(R))
            cog[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(cog))] = -99.999
            cogE[cog < 0] = -99.999
        cog, cogE = SBprof_to_COG_errorprop(
            R[:end_prof] * options["ap_pixscale"],
        if cog is None:
            cog = 99.999 * np.ones(len(R))
            cogE = 99.999 * np.ones(len(R))
            cog[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(cog))] = 99.999
            cogE[cog > 99] = 99.999

    # For each radius evaluation, write the profile parameters
    if fluxunits == "intensity":
        params = [

        SBprof_units = {
            "R": "arcsec",
            "I": "flux*arcsec^-2",
            "I_e": "flux*arcsec^-2",
            "totflux": "flux",
            "totflux_e": "flux",
            "ellip": "unitless",
            "ellip_e": "unitless",
            "pa": "deg",
            "pa_e": "deg",
            "pixels": "count",
            "maskedpixels": "count",
            "totflux_direct": "flux",
        params = [

        SBprof_units = {
            "R": "arcsec",
            "SB": "mag*arcsec^-2",
            "SB_e": "mag*arcsec^-2",
            "totmag": "mag",
            "totmag_e": "mag",
            "ellip": "unitless",
            "ellip_e": "unitless",
            "pa": "deg",
            "pa_e": "deg",
            "pixels": "count",
            "maskedpixels": "count",
            "totmag_direct": "mag",

    SBprof_data = dict((h, None) for h in params)
    SBprof_data["R"] = list(R[:end_prof] * options["ap_pixscale"])
    SBprof_data["I" if fluxunits == "intensity" else "SB"] = list(sb)
    SBprof_data["I_e" if fluxunits == "intensity" else "SB_e"] = list(sbE)
    SBprof_data["totflux" if fluxunits == "intensity" else "totmag"] = list(cog)
    SBprof_data["totflux_e" if fluxunits == "intensity" else "totmag_e"] = list(cogE)
    SBprof_data["ellip"] = list(parameters[p]["ellip"] for p in range(end_prof))
    SBprof_data["ellip_e"] = list(parameters[p]["ellip err"] for p in range(end_prof))
    SBprof_data["pa"] = list(parameters[p]["pa"] * 180 / np.pi for p in range(end_prof))
    SBprof_data["pa_e"] = list(
        parameters[p]["pa err"] * 180 / np.pi for p in range(end_prof)
    SBprof_data["pixels"] = list(pixels)
    SBprof_data["maskedpixels"] = list(maskedpixels)
        "totflux_direct" if fluxunits == "intensity" else "totmag_direct"
    ] = list(cogdirect)

    if "ap_iso_measurecoefs" in options and not options["ap_iso_measurecoefs"] is None:
        whichcoefs = [0] + list(options["ap_iso_measurecoefs"])
        for i in list(range(len(whichcoefs))):
            aa, bb = "a%i" % whichcoefs[i], "b%i" % whichcoefs[i]
            params += [aa, bb]
                    aa: "flux" if whichcoefs[i] == 0 else "a%i/F0" % whichcoefs[i],
                    bb: "flux" if whichcoefs[i] == 0 else "b%i/F0" % whichcoefs[i],
            SBprof_data[aa] = list(F["a"][i] for F in measFmodes)
            SBprof_data[bb] = list(F["b"][i] for F in measFmodes)

    if any(not p["m"] is None for p in parameters):
        for m in range(len(parameters[0]["m"])):
            AA, PP = "A%i" % parameters[0]["m"][m], "Phi%i" % parameters[0]["m"][m]
            params += [AA, PP]
            SBprof_units.update({AA: "unitless", PP: "deg"})
            SBprof_data[AA] = list(p["Am"][m] for p in parameters[:end_prof])
            SBprof_data[PP] = list(p["Phim"][m] for p in parameters[:end_prof])
    if any(not p["C"] is None for p in parameters):
        params += ["C"]
        SBprof_units["C"] = "unitless"
        SBprof_data["C"] = list(p["C"] for p in parameters[:end_prof])

    if "ap_doplot" in options and options["ap_doplot"]:
            np.array(SBprof_data["R"]), parameters[:end_prof], results, options
        if fluxunits == "intensity":

    return {"prof header": params, "prof units": SBprof_units, "prof data": SBprof_data}

[docs] def Isophote_Extract_Forced(IMG, results, options): """Method for extracting SB profiles that have been set by forced photometry. This is nearly identical to the general isophote extraction method, except that it does not choose which radii to sample the profile, instead it takes the radii, PA, and ellipticities as given. Parameters ----------------- ap_zeropoint : float, default 22.5 Photometric zero point. For converting flux to mag units. ap_fluxunits : str, default "mag" units for outputted photometry. Can either be "mag" for log units, or "intensity" for linear units. ap_isoband_start : float, default 2 The noise level at which to begin sampling a band of pixels to compute SB instead of sampling a line of pixels near the isophote in units of pixel flux noise. Will never initiate band averaging if the band width is less than half a pixel ap_isoband_width : float, default 0.025 The relative size of the isophote bands to sample. flux values will be sampled at +- *ap_isoband_width* \*R for each radius. ap_isoband_fixed : bool, default False Use a fixed width for the size of the isobands, the width is set by *ap_isoband_width* which now has units of pixels, the default is 0.5 such that the full band has a width of 1 pixel. ap_truncate_evaluation : bool, default False Stop evaluating new isophotes once two negative flux isophotes have been recorded, presumed to have reached the end of the profile. ap_iso_interpolate_start : float, default 5 Use a Lanczos interpolation for isophotes with semi-major axis less than this number times the PSF. ap_iso_interpolate_method : string, default 'lanczos' Select method for flux interpolation on image, options are 'lanczos' and 'bicubic'. Default is 'lanczos' with a window size of 3. ap_iso_interpolate_window : int, default 3 Window size for Lanczos interpolation, default is 3, meaning 3 pixels on either side of the sample point are used for interpolation. ap_isoaverage_method : string, default 'median' Select the method used to compute the averafge flux along an isophote. Choose from 'mean', 'median', and 'mode'. In general, median is fast and robust to a few outliers. Mode is slow but robust to more outliers. Mean is fast and accurate in low S/N regimes where fluxes take on near integer values, but not robust to outliers. The mean should be used along with a mask to remove spurious objects such as foreground stars or galaxies, and should always be used with caution. ap_isoclip : bool, default False Perform sigma clipping along extracted isophotes. Removes flux samples from an isophote that deviate significantly from the median. Several iterations of sigma clipping are performed until convergence or *ap_isoclip_iterations* iterations are reached. Sigma clipping is a useful substitute for masking objects, though careful masking is better. Also an aggressive sigma clip may bias results. ap_isoclip_iterations : int, default None Maximum number of sigma clipping iterations to perform. The default is infinity, so the sigma clipping procedure repeats until convergence ap_isoclip_nsigma : float, default 5 Number of sigma above median to apply clipping. All values above (median + *ap_isoclip_nsigma* x sigma) are removed from the isophote. ap_iso_measurecoefs : tuple, default None tuple indicating which fourier modes to extract along fitted isophotes. Most common is (4,), which identifies boxy/disky isophotes. Also common is (1,3), which identifies lopsided galaxies. The outputted values are computed as a_i = imag(F_i)/abs(F_0) and b_i = real(F_i)/abs(F_0) where F_i is a fourier coefficient. Not activated by default as it adds to computation time. ap_plot_sbprof_ylim : tuple, default None Tuple with axes limits for the y-axis in the SB profile diagnostic plot. Be careful when using intensity units since this will change the ideal axis limits. ap_plot_sbprof_xlim : tuple, default None Tuple with axes limits for the x-axis in the SB profile diagnostic plot. ap_plot_sbprof_set_errscale : float, default None Float value by which to scale errorbars on the SB profile this makes them more visible in cases where the statistical errors are very small. Notes ---------- :References: - 'background' - 'background noise' - 'psf fwhm' - 'center' - 'init ellip' - 'init pa' Returns ------- IMG : ndarray Unaltered galaxy image results : dict .. code-block:: python {'prof header': , # List object with strings giving the items in the header of the final SB profile (list) 'prof units': , # dict object that links header strings to units (given as strings) for each variable (dict) 'prof data': # dict object linking header strings to list objects containing the rows for a given variable (dict) } """ with open(options["ap_forcing_profile"], "r") as f: raw = f.readlines() for i, l in enumerate(raw): if l[0] != "#": readfrom = i break header = list(h.strip() for h in raw[readfrom].split(",")) force = dict((h, []) for h in header) for l in raw[readfrom + 2 :]: for d, h in zip(l.split(","), header): force[h].append(float(d.strip())) force["pa"] = PA_shift_convention(np.array(force["pa"]), deg=True) * np.pi / 180 parameters = list( { "ellip": force["ellip"][i], "pa": ( force["pa"][i] + ( options["ap_forced_pa_shift"] if "ap_forced_pa_shift" in options else 0.0 ) ) % np.pi, } for i in range(len(force["R"])) ) for i in range(len(force["R"])): if "ellip_e" in force and "pa_e" in force: parameters[i]["ellip_err"] = force["ellip_e"][i] parameters[i]["pa_err"] = force["pa_e"][i] * np.pi / 180 else: parameters[i]["pa_err"] = 0.0 parameters[i]["ellip_err"] = 0.0 return IMG, _Generate_Profile( IMG, results, np.array(force["R"]) / options["ap_pixscale"], parameters, options )
[docs] def Isophote_Extract(IMG, results, options): """General method for extracting SB profiles. The default SB profile extraction method is highly flexible, allowing users to test a variety of techniques on their data to determine the most robust. The user may specify a variety of sampling arguments for the photometry extraction. For example, a start or end radius in pixels, or whether to sample geometrically or linearly in radius. Geometric sampling is the default as it is faster. Once the sampling profile of semi-major axis values has been chosen, the function interpolates (spline) the position angle and ellipticity profiles at the requested values. For any sampling beyond the outer radius from the *Isophotal Fitting* step, a constant value is used. Within 1 PSF, a circular isophote is used. Parameters ----------------- ap_zeropoint : float, default 22.5 Photometric zero point. For converting flux to mag units. ap_fluxunits : str, default "mag" units for outputted photometry. Can either be "mag" for log units, or "intensity" for linear units. ap_samplegeometricscale : float, default 0.1 growth scale for isophotes when sampling for the final output profile. Used when sampling geometrically. By default, each isophote is 10\% further than the last. ap_samplelinearscale : float, default None growth scale (in pixels) for isophotes when sampling for the final output profile. Used when sampling linearly. Default is 1 PSF length. ap_samplestyle : string, default 'geometric' indicate if isophote sampling radii should grow linearly or geometrically. Can also do geometric sampling at the center and linear sampling once geometric step size equals linear. Options are: 'linear', 'geometric', 'geometric-linear' ap_sampleinitR : float, default None Starting radius (in pixels) for isophote sampling from the image. Note that a starting radius of zero is not advised. Default is 1 pixel or 1PSF, whichever is smaller. ap_sampleendR : float, default None End radius (in pixels) for isophote sampling from the image. Default is 3 times the fit radius, also see *ap_extractfull*. ap_isoband_start : float, default 2 The noise level at which to begin sampling a band of pixels to compute SB instead of sampling a line of pixels near the isophote in units of pixel flux noise. Will never initiate band averaging if the band width is less than half a pixel ap_isoband_width : float, default 0.025 The relative size of the isophote bands to sample. flux values will be sampled at +- *ap_isoband_width* \*R for each radius. ap_isoband_fixed : bool, default False Use a fixed width for the size of the isobands, the width is set by *ap_isoband_width* which now has units of pixels, the default is 0.5 such that the full band has a width of 1 pixel. ap_truncate_evaluation : bool, default False Stop evaluating new isophotes once two negative flux isophotes have been recorded, presumed to have reached the end of the profile. ap_extractfull : bool, default False Tells AutoProf to extend the isophotal solution to the edge of the image. Will be overridden by *ap_truncate_evaluation*. ap_iso_interpolate_start : float, default 5 Use a Lanczos interpolation for isophotes with semi-major axis less than this number times the PSF. ap_iso_interpolate_method : string, default 'lanczos' Select method for flux interpolation on image, options are 'lanczos' and 'bicubic'. Default is 'lanczos' with a window size of 3. ap_iso_interpolate_window : int, default 3 Window size for Lanczos interpolation, default is 3, meaning 3 pixels on either side of the sample point are used for interpolation. ap_isoaverage_method : string, default 'median' Select the method used to compute the averafge flux along an isophote. Choose from 'mean', 'median', and 'mode'. In general, median is fast and robust to a few outliers. Mode is slow but robust to more outliers. Mean is fast and accurate in low S/N regimes where fluxes take on near integer values, but not robust to outliers. The mean should be used along with a mask to remove spurious objects such as foreground stars or galaxies, and should always be used with caution. ap_isoclip : bool, default False Perform sigma clipping along extracted isophotes. Removes flux samples from an isophote that deviate significantly from the median. Several iterations of sigma clipping are performed until convergence or *ap_isoclip_iterations* iterations are reached. Sigma clipping is a useful substitute for masking objects, though careful masking is better. Also an aggressive sigma clip may bias results. ap_isoclip_iterations : int, default None Maximum number of sigma clipping iterations to perform. The default is infinity, so the sigma clipping procedure repeats until convergence ap_isoclip_nsigma : float, default 5 Number of sigma above median to apply clipping. All values above (median + *ap_isoclip_nsigma* x sigma) are removed from the isophote. ap_iso_measurecoefs : tuple, default None tuple indicating which fourier modes to extract along fitted isophotes. Most common is (4,), which identifies boxy/disky isophotes. Also common is (1,3), which identifies lopsided galaxies. The outputted values are computed as a_i = imag(F_i)/abs(F_0) and b_i = real(F_i)/abs(F_0) where F_i is a fourier coefficient. Not activated by default as it adds to computation time. ap_plot_sbprof_ylim : tuple, default None Tuple with axes limits for the y-axis in the SB profile diagnostic plot. Be careful when using intensity units since this will change the ideal axis limits. ap_plot_sbprof_xlim : tuple, default None Tuple with axes limits for the x-axis in the SB profile diagnostic plot. ap_plot_sbprof_set_errscale : float, default None Float value by which to scale errorbars on the SB profile this makes them more visible in cases where the statistical errors are very small. Notes ---------- :References: - 'background' - 'background noise' - 'psf fwhm' - 'center' - 'init ellip' - 'init pa' - 'fit R' - 'fit ellip' - 'fit pa' - 'fit ellip_err' (optional) - 'fit pa_err' (optional) Returns ------- IMG : ndarray Unaltered galaxy image results : dict .. code-block:: python {'prof header': , # List object with strings giving the items in the header of the final SB profile (list) 'prof units': , # dict object that links header strings to units (given as strings) for each variable (dict) 'prof data': # dict object linking header strings to list objects containing the rows for a given variable (dict) } """ use_center = results["center"] # Radius values to evaluate isophotes R = [ options["ap_sampleinitR"] if "ap_sampleinitR" in options else min(1.0, results["psf fwhm"] / 2) ] while ( ( (R[-1] < options["ap_sampleendR"] if "ap_sampleendR" in options else True) and R[-1] < 3 * results["fit R"][-1] ) or (options["ap_extractfull"] if "ap_extractfull" in options else False) ) and R[-1] < max(IMG.shape) / np.sqrt(2): if ( "ap_samplestyle" in options and options["ap_samplestyle"] == "geometric-linear" ): if len(R) > 1 and abs(R[-1] - R[-2]) >= ( options["ap_samplelinearscale"] if "ap_samplelinearscale" in options else 3 * results["psf fwhm"] ): R.append( R[-1] + ( options["ap_samplelinearscale"] if "ap_samplelinearscale" in options else results["psf fwhm"] / 2 ) ) else: R.append( R[-1] * ( 1.0 + ( options["ap_samplegeometricscale"] if "ap_samplegeometricscale" in options else 0.1 ) ) ) elif "ap_samplestyle" in options and options["ap_samplestyle"] == "linear": R.append( R[-1] + ( options["ap_samplelinearscale"] if "ap_samplelinearscale" in options else 0.5 * results["psf fwhm"] ) ) else: R.append( R[-1] * ( 1.0 + ( options["ap_samplegeometricscale"] if "ap_samplegeometricscale" in options else 0.1 ) ) ) R = np.array(R) "%s: R complete in range [%.1f,%.1f]" % (options["ap_name"], R[0], R[-1]) ) # Interpolate profile values, when extrapolating just take last point tmp_pa_s = UnivariateSpline( results["fit R"], np.sin(2 * results["fit pa"]), ext=3, s=0 )(R) tmp_pa_c = UnivariateSpline( results["fit R"], np.cos(2 * results["fit pa"]), ext=3, s=0 )(R) E = _x_to_eps( UnivariateSpline( results["fit R"], _inv_x_to_eps(results["fit ellip"]), ext=3, s=0 )(R) ) # np.arctan(tmp_pa_s / tmp_pa_c) + (np.pi * (tmp_pa_c < 0)) PA = _x_to_pa(((np.arctan2(tmp_pa_s, tmp_pa_c)) % (2 * np.pi)) / 2) parameters = list({"ellip": E[i], "pa": PA[i]} for i in range(len(R))) if "fit Fmodes" in results: for i in range(len(R)): parameters[i]["m"] = results["fit Fmodes"] parameters[i]["Am"] = np.array( list( UnivariateSpline( results["fit R"], results["fit Fmode A%i" % results["fit Fmodes"][m]], ext=3, s=0, )(R[i]) for m in range(len(results["fit Fmodes"])) ) ) parameters[i]["Phim"] = np.array( list( UnivariateSpline( results["fit R"], results["fit Fmode Phi%i" % results["fit Fmodes"][m]], ext=3, s=0, )(R[i]) for m in range(len(results["fit Fmodes"])) ) ) if "fit C" in results: CC = UnivariateSpline(results["fit R"], results["fit C"], ext=3, s=0)(R) for i in range(len(R)): parameters[i]["C"] = CC[i] # Get errors for pa and ellip for i in range(len(R)): if ( "fit ellip_err" in results and (not results["fit ellip_err"] is None) and "fit pa_err" in results and (not results["fit pa_err"] is None) ): parameters[i]["ellip err"] = np.clip( UnivariateSpline( results["fit R"], results["fit ellip_err"], ext=3, s=0 )(R[i]), a_min=1e-3, a_max=None, ) parameters[i]["pa err"] = np.clip( UnivariateSpline(results["fit R"], results["fit pa_err"], ext=3, s=0)( R[i] ), a_min=1e-3, a_max=None, ) else: parameters[i]["ellip err"] = 0.0 parameters[i]["pa err"] = 0.0 return IMG, _Generate_Profile(IMG, results, R, parameters, options)
[docs] def Isophote_Extract_Photutils(IMG, results, options): """Wrapper of photutils method for extracting SB profiles. This simply gives users access to the photutils isophote extraction methods. The one exception is that SB values are taken as the median instead of the mean, as recomended in the photutils documentation. See: `photutils <>`_ for more information. Parameters ---------- ap_zeropoint : float, default 22.5 Photometric zero point. For converting flux to mag units. ap_fluxunits : str, default "mag" units for outputted photometry. Can either be "mag" for log units, or "intensity" for linear units. ap_plot_sbprof_ylim : tuple, default None Tuple with axes limits for the y-axis in the SB profile diagnostic plot. Be careful when using intensity units since this will change the ideal axis limits. ap_plot_sbprof_xlim : tuple, default None Tuple with axes limits for the x-axis in the SB profile diagnostic plot. ap_plot_sbprof_set_errscale : float, default None Float value by which to scale errorbars on the SB profile this makes them more visible in cases where the statistical errors are very small. Notes ---------- :References: - 'background' - 'background noise' - 'psf fwhm' - 'center' - 'init R' (optional) - 'init ellip' (optional) - 'init pa' (optional) - 'fit R' (optional) - 'fit ellip' (optional) - 'fit pa' (optional) - 'fit photutils isolist' (optional) Returns ------- IMG : ndarray Unaltered galaxy image results : dict .. code-block:: python {'prof header': , # List object with strings giving the items in the header of the final SB profile (list) 'prof units': , # dict object that links header strings to units (given as strings) for each variable (dict) 'prof data': # dict object linking header strings to list objects containing the rows for a given variable (dict) } """ zeropoint = options["ap_zeropoint"] if "ap_zeropoint" in options else 22.5 fluxunits = options["ap_fluxunits"] if "ap_fluxunits" in options else "mag" if fluxunits == "intensity": params = [ "R", "I", "I_e", "totflux", "totflux_e", "ellip", "ellip_e", "pa", "pa_e", "a3", "a3_e", "b3", "b3_e", "a4", "a4_e", "b4", "b4_e", ] SBprof_units = { "R": "arcsec", "I": "flux*arcsec^-2", "I_e": "flux*arcsec^-2", "totflux": "flux", "totflux_e": "flux", "ellip": "unitless", "ellip_e": "unitless", "pa": "deg", "pa_e": "deg", "a3": "unitless", "a3_e": "unitless", "b3": "unitless", "b3_e": "unitless", "a4": "unitless", "a4_e": "unitless", "b4": "unitless", "b4_e": "unitless", } else: params = [ "R", "SB", "SB_e", "totmag", "totmag_e", "ellip", "ellip_e", "pa", "pa_e", "a3", "a3_e", "b3", "b3_e", "a4", "a4_e", "b4", "b4_e", ] SBprof_units = { "R": "arcsec", "SB": "mag*arcsec^-2", "SB_e": "mag*arcsec^-2", "totmag": "mag", "totmag_e": "mag", "ellip": "unitless", "ellip_e": "unitless", "pa": "deg", "pa_e": "deg", "a3": "unitless", "a3_e": "unitless", "b3": "unitless", "b3_e": "unitless", "a4": "unitless", "a4_e": "unitless", "b4": "unitless", "b4_e": "unitless", } SBprof_data = dict((h, []) for h in params) res = {} dat = IMG - results["background"] if not "fit R" in results and not "fit photutils isolist" in results: "%s: photutils fitting and extracting image data" % options["ap_name"] ) geo = EllipseGeometry( x0=results["center"]["x"], y0=results["center"]["y"], sma=results["init R"] / 2, eps=results["init ellip"], pa=results["init pa"], ) ellipse = Photutils_Ellipse(dat, geometry=geo) isolist = ellipse.fit_image(fix_center=True, linear=False) res.update( { "fit photutils isolist": isolist, "auxfile fitlimit": "fit limit semi-major axis: %.2f pix" % isolist.sma[-1], } ) elif not "fit photutils isolist" in results:"%s: photutils extracting image data" % options["ap_name"]) list_iso = [] for i in range(len(results["fit R"])): if results["fit R"][i] <= 0: continue # Container for ellipse geometry geo = EllipseGeometry( sma=results["fit R"][i], x0=results["center"]["x"], y0=results["center"]["y"], eps=results["fit ellip"][i], pa=results["fit pa"][i], ) # Extract the isophote information ES = EllipseSample(dat, sma=results["fit R"][i], geometry=geo) ES.update(fixed_parameters=None) list_iso.append(Isophote(ES, niter=30, valid=True, stop_code=0)) isolist = IsophoteList(list_iso) res.update( { "fit photutils isolist": isolist, "auxfile fitlimit": "fit limit semi-major axis: %.2f pix" % isolist.sma[-1], } ) else: isolist = results["fit photutils isolist"] for i in range(len(isolist.sma)): SBprof_data["R"].append(isolist.sma[i] * options["ap_pixscale"]) if fluxunits == "intensity": SBprof_data["I"].append( np.median(isolist.sample[i].values[2]) / options["ap_pixscale"] ** 2 ) SBprof_data["I_e"].append(isolist.int_err[i]) SBprof_data["totflux"].append(isolist.tflux_e[i]) SBprof_data["totflux_e"].append(isolist.rms[i] / np.sqrt(isolist.npix_e[i])) else: SBprof_data["SB"].append( flux_to_sb( np.median(isolist.sample[i].values[2]), options["ap_pixscale"], zeropoint, ) ) SBprof_data["SB_e"].append( 2.5 * isolist.int_err[i] / (isolist.intens[i] * np.log(10)) ) SBprof_data["totmag"].append(flux_to_mag(isolist.tflux_e[i], zeropoint)) SBprof_data["totmag_e"].append( 2.5 * isolist.rms[i] / (np.sqrt(isolist.npix_e[i]) * isolist.tflux_e[i] * np.log(10)) ) SBprof_data["ellip"].append(isolist.eps[i]) SBprof_data["ellip_e"].append(isolist.ellip_err[i]) SBprof_data["pa"].append([i] * 180 / np.pi) SBprof_data["pa_e"].append(isolist.pa_err[i] * 180 / np.pi) SBprof_data["a3"].append(isolist.a3[i]) SBprof_data["a3_e"].append(isolist.a3_err[i]) SBprof_data["b3"].append(isolist.b3[i]) SBprof_data["b3_e"].append(isolist.b3_err[i]) SBprof_data["a4"].append(isolist.a4[i]) SBprof_data["a4_e"].append(isolist.a4_err[i]) SBprof_data["b4"].append(isolist.b4[i]) SBprof_data["b4_e"].append(isolist.b4_err[i]) for k in SBprof_data.keys(): if not np.isfinite(SBprof_data[k][-1]): SBprof_data[k][-1] = 99.999 res.update( {"prof header": params, "prof units": SBprof_units, "prof data": SBprof_data} ) if "ap_doplot" in options and options["ap_doplot"]: if fluxunits == "intensity": Plot_I_Profile( dat, np.array(SBprof_data["R"]), np.array(SBprof_data["I"]), np.array(SBprof_data["I_e"]), np.array(SBprof_data["ellip"]), np.array(SBprof_data["pa"]), results, options, ) else: Plot_SB_Profile( dat, np.array(SBprof_data["R"]), np.array(SBprof_data["SB"]), np.array(SBprof_data["SB_e"]), np.array(SBprof_data["ellip"]), np.array(SBprof_data["pa"]), results, options, ) return IMG, res