Source code for autoprof.pipeline_steps.Plotting_Steps

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import os

from ..autoprofutils.SharedFunctions import (
import logging

__all__ = ("Plot_Galaxy_Image", )

[docs] def Plot_Galaxy_Image(IMG, results, options): """Generate a plain image of the galaxy Plots an LSB image of the object without anything else drawn above it. Useful for inspecting images for spurious features. This step can be run at any point in the pipeline. It will take advantage of whatever information has been determined so far. So if it is the first pipeline step, it has little to work from and will simply plot the whole image, if it is run after the isophote initialization step then the plotted image will be cropped to focus on the galaxy. Parameters ----------------- ap_guess_center : dict, default None user provided starting point for center fitting. Center should be formatted as: .. code-block:: python {'x':float, 'y': float} , where the floats are the center coordinates in pixels. If not given, Autoprof will default to a guess of the image center. ap_set_center : dict, default None user provided fixed center for rest of calculations. Center should be formatted as: .. code-block:: python {'x':float, 'y': float} , where the floats are the center coordinates in pixels. If not given, Autoprof will default to a guess of the image center. Notes -------------- :References: - 'background' - 'background noise' - 'center' (optional) - 'init R' (optional) Returns ------- IMG : ndarray Unaltered galaxy image results : dict .. code-block:: python {} """ if "center" in results: center = results["center"] elif "ap_set_center" in options: center = options["ap_set_center"] elif "ap_guess_center" in options: center = options["ap_guess_center"] else: center = {"x": IMG.shape[1] / 2, "y": IMG.shape[0] / 2} if "prof data" in results: edge = 1.2 * results["prof data"]["R"][-1] / options["ap_pixscale"] elif "init R" in results: edge = 3 * results["init R"] elif "fit R" in results: edge = 2 * results["fit R"] else: edge = max(IMG.shape) / 2 edge = min( [ edge, abs(center["x"] - IMG.shape[1]), center["x"], abs(center["y"] - IMG.shape[0]), center["y"], ] ) ranges = [ [max(0, int(center["x"] - edge)), min(IMG.shape[1], int(center["x"] + edge))], [max(0, int(center["y"] - edge)), min(IMG.shape[0], int(center["y"] + edge))], ] LSBImage( IMG[ranges[1][0] : ranges[1][1], ranges[0][0] : ranges[0][1]] - results["background"], results["background noise"], ) if not ("ap_nologo" in options and options["ap_nologo"]): AddLogo(plt.gcf()) plt.savefig( f"{options.get('ap_plotpath','')}clean_image_{options['ap_name']}.{options.get('ap_plot_extension', 'jpg')}", dpi=options["ap_plotdpi"] if "ap_plotdpi" in options else 300, ) plt.close() return IMG, {}