Source code for autoprof.pipeline_steps.Radial_Profiles

import numpy as np
import sys
import os

from ..autoprofutils.SharedFunctions import (
from ..autoprofutils.Diagnostic_Plots import Plot_Radial_Profiles
from scipy.stats import iqr
from astropy.visualization import SqrtStretch, LogStretch
from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import ImageNormalize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import logging

__all__ = ("Radial_Profiles",)

[docs] def Radial_Profiles(IMG, results, options): """Extracts SB profiles along lines radiating from the galaxy center. For some applications, such as examining edge on galaxies, it is beneficial to observe the structure in a disk as well as (or instead of) the average isophotal profile. This can done with radial profiles which sample along lines radiating form the galaxy center. These lines are by default placed on the 4 semi-axes of the galaxy. The lines are actually wedges with increasing width as a function of radius. This helps keep roughly constant S/N in the bins, allowing the profile to extend far into the outskirts of a galaxy. The user may increase the number of wedgest to extract more stucture from the galaxy, however at some point the wedges will begin to cross each other. AutoProf will warn the user when this happens, but will carry on anyway. Parameters ----------------- ap_radialprofiles_nwedges : int, default 4 number of radial wedges to sample. Recommended choosing a power of 2. ap_radialprofiles_width : float, default 15 User set width of radial sampling wedges in degrees. ap_radialprofiles_pa : float, default 0 user set position angle at which to measure radial wedges relative to the global position angle, in degrees. ap_radialprofiles_expwidth : bool, default False Tell AutoProf to use exponentially increasing widths for radial samples. In this case *ap_radialprofiles_width* corresponds to the final width of the radial sampling. ap_radialprofiles_variable_pa : bool, default False Tell AutoProf to rotate radial sampling wedges with the position angle profile of the galaxy. Notes ---------- :References: - 'prof header' (optional) - 'prof units' (optional) - 'prof data' (optional) - 'mask' (optional) - 'background' - 'center' - 'init pa' (optional) Returns ------- IMG : ndarray Unaltered galaxy image results : dict No results provided as this method writes its own profile .. code-block:: python {'prof header': , # Previously extracted SB profile, with extra columns appended for radial profiles (list) 'prof units': , # Previously extracted SB profile, with extra units appended for radial profiles (dict) 'prof data': # Previously extracted SB profile, with extra columns appended for radial profiles (dict) } """ mask = results["mask"] if "mask" in results else None nwedges = ( options["ap_radialprofiles_nwedges"] if "ap_radialprofiles_nwedges" in options else 4 ) wedgeangles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi * (1 - 1.0 / nwedges), nwedges) zeropoint = options["ap_zeropoint"] if "ap_zeropoint" in options else 22.5 if "prof data" in results: R = np.array(results["prof data"]["R"]) / options["ap_pixscale"] else: startR = ( options["ap_sampleinitR"] if "ap_sampleinitR" in options else min(1.0, results["psf fwhm"] / 2) ) endR = ( options["ap_sampleendR"] if "ap_sampleendR" in options else min(max(IMG.shape) / np.sqrt(2), 3 * results["init R"]) ) R = np.logspace( np.log10(startR), np.log10(endR), int(np.log10(endR / startR) / np.log10( 1 + ( options["ap_samplegeometricscale"] if "ap_samplegeometricscale" in options else 0.1 ) )), ) if ( "ap_radialprofiles_variable_pa" in options and options["ap_radialprofiles_variable_pa"] ): pa = np.array(results["prof data"]["pa"]) * np.pi / 180 else: pa = np.ones(len(R)) * ( (options["ap_radialprofiles_pa"] * np.pi / 180) if "ap_radialprofiles_pa" in options else results["init pa"] ) dat = IMG - results["background"] maxwedgewidth = ( options["ap_radialprofiles_width"] if "ap_radialprofiles_width" in options else 15.0 ) maxwedgewidth *= np.pi / 180 if ( "ap_radialprofiles_expwidth" in options and options["ap_radialprofiles_expwidth"] ): wedgewidth = maxwedgewidth * np.exp(R / R[-1] - 1) else: wedgewidth = np.ones(len(R)) * maxwedgewidth if wedgewidth[-1] * nwedges > 2 * np.pi: logging.warning( "%s: Radial sampling wedges are overlapping! %i wedges with a maximum width of %.3f rad" % (nwedges, wedgewidth[-1]) ) sb = list([] for i in wedgeangles) sbE = list([] for i in wedgeangles) avgmedflux = np.inf for i in range(len(R)): isobandwidth = R[i] * ( options["ap_isoband_width"] if "ap_isoband_width" in options else 0.025 ) if ( avgmedflux > ( results["background noise"] * (options["ap_isoband_start"] if "ap_isoband_start" in options else 2) ) or isobandwidth < 0.5 ): isovals = list( _iso_extract( dat, R[i], {"ellip": 0, "pa": 0}, results["center"], more=True, minN=int(5 * 2 * np.pi / wedgewidth[i]), mask=mask, ) ) else: isovals = list( _iso_between( dat, R[i] - isobandwidth, R[i] + isobandwidth, {"ellip": 0, "pa": 0}, results["center"], more=True, mask=mask, ) ) isovals[1] -= pa[i] avgmedflux = [] for sa_i in range(len(wedgeangles)): aselect = np.abs(Angle_TwoAngles_cos(wedgeangles[sa_i], isovals[1])) < ( wedgewidth[i] / 2 ) if np.sum(aselect) == 0: sb[sa_i].append(99.999) sbE[sa_i].append(99.999) continue medflux = _average( isovals[0][aselect], options["ap_isoaverage_method"] if "ap_isoaverage_method" in options else "median", ) avgmedflux.append(medflux) scatflux = _scatter( isovals[0][aselect], options["ap_isoaverage_method"] if "ap_isoaverage_method" in options else "median", ) sb[sa_i].append( flux_to_sb(medflux, options["ap_pixscale"], zeropoint) if medflux > 0 else 99.999 ) sbE[sa_i].append( (2.5 * scatflux / (np.sqrt(np.sum(aselect)) * medflux * np.log(10))) if medflux > 0 else 99.999 ) avgmedflux = np.mean(avgmedflux) if "prof header" in results: newprofheader = results["prof header"] newprofunits = results["prof units"] newprofdata = results["prof data"] else: newprofheader = ["R"] newprofunits = {"R": "arcsec"} newprofdata = {"R": R * options["ap_pixscale"]} for sa_i in range(len(wedgeangles)): p1, p2 = ( "SB_rad[%.1f]" % (wedgeangles[sa_i] * 180 / np.pi), "SB_rad_e[%.1f]" % (wedgeangles[sa_i] * 180 / np.pi), ) newprofheader.append(p1) newprofheader.append(p2) newprofunits[p1] = "mag*arcsec^-2" newprofunits[p2] = "mag*arcsec^-2" newprofdata[p1] = sb[sa_i] newprofdata[p2] = sbE[sa_i] if "ap_doplot" in options and options["ap_doplot"]: Plot_Radial_Profiles( dat, R, sb, sbE, pa, nwedges, wedgeangles, wedgewidth, results, options ) return IMG, { "prof header": newprofheader, "prof units": newprofunits, "prof data": newprofdata, }