Source code for autoprof.pipeline_steps.Write_Fi

from import fits
import numpy as np
import sys
import os

__all__ = ("WriteFi", )

[docs] def WriteFi(IMG, results, options): """ Writes the galaxy image to disk. """ saveto = options["ap_saveto"] if "ap_saveto" in options else "./" writeas = options["ap_writeas"] if "ap_writeas" in options else "fits" def _iterate_filename(fi): """If file exists add one to the end of the existing file to avoid clobbering.""" dir_, base = os.path.split(fi) if os.path.exists(fi): sep_base = base.split(os.path.extsep) base = ( sep_base[0] + ".{:03d}".format(int(sep_base[1]) + 1) + "." + sep_base[2] ) return _iterate_filename(os.path.join(dir_, base)) else: return fi # Write npy file if writeas == "npy": fi = saveto + options["ap_name"] + ".000.npy" fi = _iterate_filename(fi) with open(fi, "wb") as f:, IMG) # Write fits file else: fi = saveto + options["ap_name"] + ".000.fits" fi = _iterate_filename(fi) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(IMG) hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu]) hdulist.writeto(fi) hdulist.close() return IMG, {}