Source code for autoprof.pipeline_steps.Write_Prof

from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
import numpy as np
import sys
import os

from ..autoprofutils.SharedFunctions import PA_shift_convention
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep

__all__ = ("WriteProf", )

[docs] def WriteProf(IMG, results, options): """Basic method to write SB profile to disk. This step writes the results of the AutoProf pipeline analysis to a file. There are two files written, a .prof file containing the surface brightness profile and acompanying measurements, and a .aux file containing global results, messages, and setting used for the pipeline. The .prof file looks for specific keywords in the results dictionary: prof header, prof units, prof data, and prof format. There are the results from the isophotal fitting step. prof header gives the column names for the profile, prof units is a dictionary which gives the corresponding units for each column header key, prof data is a dictionary containing a list of values for each header key, and prof format is a dictionary which gives the python string format for values under each header key (for example '%.4f' gives a number to 4 decimal places). The profile is written with comma (or a user specified delimiter) separation for each value, where each row corresponds to a given isophote at increasing semi-major axis values. The .aux file has a less strict format than the .prof file. The first line records the date and time that the file was written, the second line gives the name of the object as specified by the user or the filename. The next lines are taken from the results dictionary, any result key with auxfile in the name is taken as a message for the .aux file and written (in alphabetical order by key) to the file. See the pipeline step output formats for the messages that are included in the .aux file. Finally, a record of the user specified options is included for reference. Parameters --------- ap_saveto : string, default None Directory in which to save profile ap_name : string, default None Name of the current galaxy, used for making filenames. ap_delimiter : string, default ',' Delimiter to use between entries in the profile. ap_profile_format : string, default 'csv' Type of file format to use for profile. Can choose from ['csv', 'fits'] ap_savemask : bool, default False Save object mask fits file. This can create large files, depending on the size of the original image. Notes ---------- :References: - 'prof header' - 'prof units' - 'prof data' - 'mask' (optional) Returns ------- IMG : ndarray Unaltered galaxy image results : dict .. code-block:: python {} """ saveto = options["ap_saveto"] if "ap_saveto" in options else "./" # Write aux file with open(os.path.join(saveto, options["ap_name"] + ".aux"), "w") as f: # write profile info f.write("written on: %s\n" % str( f.write("name: %s\n" % str(options["ap_name"])) for r in sorted(results.keys()): if "auxfile" in r: f.write(results[r] + "\n") for k in sorted(options.keys()): if k == "ap_name": continue f.write("option %s: %s\n" % (k, str(options[k]))) # Write the profile delim = options["ap_delimiter"] if "ap_delimiter" in options else "," delim = options["ap_delimiter"] if "ap_delimiter" in options else "," try: results["prof data"]["pa"] = list( PA_shift_convention(np.array(results["prof data"]["pa"]), deg=True) ) except: pass T = Table(data=results["prof data"], names=results["prof header"]) if ( "ap_profile_format" in options and options["ap_profile_format"].lower() == "fits" ): T.meta["UNITS"] = delim.join( results["prof units"][h] for h in results["prof header"] ) T.write( os.path.join(saveto, options["ap_name"] + "_prof.fits"), format="fits", overwrite=True, ) else: T.write( os.path.join(saveto, options["ap_name"] + ".prof"), format="ascii.commented_header", delimiter=delim, overwrite=True, comment="# " + delim.join(results["prof units"][h] for h in results["prof header"]) + "\n", ) try: results["prof data"]["pa"] = list( PA_shift_convention(np.array(results["prof data"]["pa"]), deg=True) ) except: pass # Write the mask data, if provided if ( "mask" in results and (not results["mask"] is None) and "ap_savemask" in options and options["ap_savemask"] ): hdul = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(results["mask"].astype(int))]) hdul.writeto(saveto + options["ap_name"] + "_mask.fits", overwrite=True) sleep(1) # Zip the mask file because it can be large and take a lot of memory, but in principle # is very easy to compress os.system("gzip -fq " + saveto + options["ap_name"] + "_mask.fits") return IMG, {}